Pharmacist Pioneer Community. Why?
Jul 03 - 2022
Conversations about immune support have become the talk of the day for millions of people, especially after the emergence of the new Corona virus (COVID-19), and it has topped the scene as the first line of defense against COVID-19, which makes it a must to pay attention to it and invest in it.
In this article, we will talk in detail about:-
1. What is immunity?
2. Types of immunity.
3- Means of strengthening immunity.
4. How to strengthen immunity in children?
5- How to strengthen immunity in pregnant women?
6. How to strengthen immunity in the elderly?
Immunity (The immune system) is the first line of defense and the guard that does not forget or sleep to protect the human body against any infections, microbes or foreign bodies that attack the body, in order to keep the body healthy so that it can complete its daily functions with all activity and vitality.
The human immune system consists of:-
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It is the first line of defense of the immune system, as the skin begins to counteract the external influences and does not allow the passage of any of the microbial cells and harmful bodies into the interior.
It is the source of the production of blood components, including white blood cells (WBCs), which are the second line of defense of the immune system and are mainly responsible for blocking any microbe or germ that infiltrates into the human body and eliminates it.
They are small organs located in the back of the throat, and are considered part of the lymphatic system, and they play an important role in preventing foreign bodies from slipping and entering the lungs, and they filter bacteria and viruses and produce white blood cells and antibodies.
It is an endocrine gland located on the trachea above the heart, where it filters and monitors blood components. some types of white blood cells, after their manufacture in the bone marrow, move to the thymus gland to ripen there, and it is relatively large in infants and children, but after puberty its size begins to decrease until it becomes tiny in the elderly.
It is a network of thin tubes that extend throughout the body and contain liquid, one of its most important functions is to capture dead cells and germs, and then the liquid is filtered to get rid of microbes.
It is the part of the lymphatic system responsible for producing and storing cells that fight infection and diseases. It may enlarge and be painful while fighting any infection in the body.
It is the largest member of the lymphatic system and contains white blood cells that fight infection, as well as its ability to control the amount of blood in the body, filter it from toxins and microbes, and get rid of damaged and dead cells.
It has a narrow tube shape and is associated with the first part of the colon, which is known as the cecum. The outer wall of the appendix contains large numbers of immune cells that act just like the lymph nodes and aid in the maturation process of white blood cells to fight pathogens.
Immunity has many types, including:
All people are born with natural or innate immunity, and it is for the general protection of the human being. This type of immunity helps the immune system to recognize some invading bodies as strange, and may be dangerous.
It is the immunity that a person acquires and develops over time during his life and protects him from germs, as the immune system manufactures various types of antibodies to different germs upon first exposure, and then the antibodies attack any of these germs if they enter the body again, and Acquired immunity has two types: -
1- Naturally acquired immunity
It is that immunity that a person acquires as a result of a previous infection, and in the event infection repeated again, those antibodies overcome it in the fastest time and with the least effort.
2- Artificially acquired immunity
It is that immunity that the body acquires as a result of an injection with a serum containing antibodies extracted from living organisms that have previously been exposed to infection, or the body has been injected with the microbe in an inactive, harmless form to allow the immune system to recognize this type and form antibodies to it.
3) Means of strengthening immunity
Continuous support for immunity is very important, which may not need much effort, but it certainly needs more awareness. Below we will review the secrets of immune support and strengthening: -
God created the morning for work and the night to rest for wisdom. During sleep, the immune system produces proteins called Cytokines that help to relax and sleep and reduce stress and anxiety, and they also have an effective role in fighting infections and inflammation, so it is very necessary to sleep about 6-8 hours at night, as this has a strong and effective role in enhancing immune function.
Regularly practicing any kind of sport plays an important role in strengthening immunity, expelling microbes of all kinds from the body, recognizing them and fighting them quickly and immediately, as well as while exercising high heart rate and body temperature maintain the health of the heart and blood circulation and limit the growth of bacteria and viruses.
It is very important to maintain a healthy balanced diet that includes:
Anemia is a monster that weakens the immune system and all body systems due to the lack of oxygen feeding the cells. Therefore, everyone who seeks to strengthen his immune system must eliminate anemia as soon as possible by consulting a doctor and adhering to the prescribed treatment.
Smoking and alcoholic beverages reduce the antioxidants in the body, which causes an increase in the body's susceptibility to infection and the length of the disease period, so it is always advisable when warning against any disease to refrain from them because of their negative impact on all body systems, not just immunity.
Car exhaust and fumes are factors that affect the immune system negatively and categorically, causing many chest and lung diseases.
Studies have shown that individuals who are subjected constantly to stress are most vulnerable to immune deficiency and chronic diseases such as Hypertension, Diabetes and Psychological disorders due to the increase of oxidants and Cortisol (the hormone of anxiety and stress).
Recent studies have shown that people who are often present on social media and who watch confrontational programs on television suffer from immunity disorders and depression in a much greater proportion than people who watch less.
One of the most important factors for strengthening immunity is mental health, search for ways to relax and release the negative energy and have constant faith in God.
Antioxidants are one of the necessary and basic factors to get rid of toxins that the body is exposed to, and studies have shown that medicines containing antioxidants play a fundamental role in raising the level of immunity and improving the functions of organs and cells of the body.
Children have special treatment with regard to immunity, as we agreed in the previous lines that stress and nervousness, poor diet and increased TV and social media time negatively affect mental and weaken immunity very significantly in adults, So how will it affect children!!
Here are some tips to strengthen your child's immunity: -
“D3 candy Chewable tablets can be taken to provide the child with his daily requirement of vitamin D.”
“A spoonful of Ferobella can be used daily to provide your child with the necessary iron.”
“With one spoonful of Vitabella daily, you can meet the needs of your child's body, enhancing appetite and supporting immunity.”
Strengthening the immunity of the pregnant woman is very important, as any disease that may affect the mother will primarily affect the health of the fetus. Therefore, obstetricians and gynecologists are always keen to provide advice and guidance, and their instructions include the following: -
“You can take one tablet a day of Matrix to provide the body with its daily need of calcium.”
“You can use D3 candy adult chewable tablets once daily to supply your body with its vitamin D3 need.”
“By using Phara fero 27 tablets daily, the number one product in Egypt and the Middle East for the treatment of anemia.”
“A daily tablet of OxiFree fully meets the needs of your body, It is the number one product in Egypt and the Middle East that is recommended by leading doctors to strengthen immunity and protect against risks of pregnancy.”
The elderly are the individuals most in need of healthcare, especially with diseases that weaken immunity and expose the body to many complications of chronic diseases and diseases of aging, with age the efficiency and functions of the body decreases affecting many systems such as the immune system, so any infection with bacteria or a virus such as the emerging corona virus may cause a serious danger to their lives, so it is important to follow the following tips: -
“One daily D3Candy adult chewable tablet meets the daily requirement of Vitamin D3.”
“One tablet a day of Matrix for stronger bones and healthy blood calcium.
“One tablet daily of Oxifree, the number one antioxidant in Egypt and the Middle East, helps the body eliminate toxins, maintain a healthy heart, and stimulate mind and memory cells.”
This article was written by an integrated medical team affiliated with Devart Lab, the leading company in the field of Nutraceuticals in Egypt and the Middle East (Nutrigenomics and Food Fortification), by providing nutrients that are fortified with minerals and vitamins that the body needs on a daily basis to obtain effective results in the least possible time. By using the latest technological technologies that ensure full absorption without any side effects.